Friday, October 27, 2017

Week 11: Red Ribbon Week

From the class blogger, Kaiden

On Monday we had messy hair day where everyone messed there hair up and came to school. On Tuesday we had twin day where you dress up the same way as your friend or someone you know. On Wednesday we had chapel where the Concert Band played in it. It was also superhero day as a sponsor for Drew Albritton. Thursday was lumberjack day where you dressed up in a flanel shirt and jeans as a lumberjack. Friday is a normal spirit day where you wear your Zion Spirit Shirt. We also had a door compitition where you make a door that says a message to not do drugs. This was our door here.

What a fun Red Ribbon Week!
Lumberjack Day - Chop Drugs our of your life

Fish Face for our door decoration
Harvest Party Fun

Other Junior High Doors

Superhero Chapel offering

A Giving Heart!

How do we teach our children generousity?  By providing opportunities to be generous.  Rake someones leaves unexpectedly.  Bake cookies and spend an hour visiting with that elderly neighbor whose kids live far away.  Send a note to Grandma by snail mail!!

Matthew 25:37-40  Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink?  And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers,  you did it to me.’

WALKATHON RESULTS ARE IN!!  Zion Junior High raised $5120.80 at our Walkathon!  We are so blessed to be able to share these gifts for Hurricane Harvey Recovery and to prepare our Christmas Service Project of making tie blankets for Friends of Kids with Cancer.  

BOOK DRIVE - Thanks for donating gently used books for the kids in Port Aransas.  We also sent  a dozen new books from our last Scholastic order!  Last day to bring in books is Monday.

And our next opportunity to give...

NOVEMBER 15 CHAPEL OFFERING- Thanksgiving Drive for Seminary Students

   Junior High will be focusing our offering on NON-food items to help stock the shelves at the Seminary pantry: Toothbrushes/toothpaste, lotion, body wash, shampoo/conditioner, cleaning supplies, kitchen supplies

We love, because God first loved us! 

World Sport Stacking Day will be held on Thursday, Nov. 9, 2017.  

If you can volunteer  please email Mrs. Steinbacher at

2017 World Sport Stacking Day Schedule- Thursday, Nov. 9

8:10-8:45                   4E and 4M
8:50-9:25                   5C and 5CC
9:30-10:05                3B and 3K
10:25-11:00              6R and 6P
12:05-12:40              1B and 1T
12:45-1:20                2B and 2S

What we are learning....
Religion - Martin Luther and the Reformation (see Religion tab above)
2nd Step - Role playing assertive communication
English - Transitive and Intransitive verbs
Literature - Short Story Unit begins and the impact of setting on the plot
Math - testing this week:  G- 3.1-3.4 divisibility, primes, prime factorization, GCF
                                          T - 2.1-2.4 word phrases for operations, solving for a variable
S.S. - Starting Monday: Ch. 4 Great Lakes - Environmental issues - Energy Conservation 
Sci.  Ask about using scales for mass in lab this week
Art- Partial View 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Week 10: A visit to Preschool

From Class Blogger, Ben

This three day week was full of fun. On Wednesday, we had chapel and story time with the preschoolers. This week when we read to the preschoolers we read Arch Bible Stories to them. An Arch book is a book full of colors and words for little kids like the preschoolers so it must have been a blast for them! Then we got to spend time with them outside playing with them and hanging around with them. At chapel we sang lots of songs praising our Lord! 

From Mrs. R. - I was so proud of your kids!  They were friendly and helpful to Mrs. Linneman's crew of Preschoolers.  As we made plans to read stories and how best to play with the little ones, one of the kids even mentioned that we shouldn't "take over" their playground.

Hide and seek!

Performing on stage

These acrobats got a big round of applause

Other Highlights:
Religion - Reformation unit
Art: Bible Point of View
S.S.: Settlement patterns, featuring Canada
G-Math - Divisibility and exponents
T-Math - Variables and writing algebraic expressions 
Literature: Composing character sketches

Remember: Next week is Red Ribbon Week
T.J. Pizza Orders are due on Thursday, Oct. 26

Looking forward to seeing you at our conference! 

                Hark - The Students Lead  
                  Advent Worship!
On Wednesday, December 6 at 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m, grades 5 and 6 will lead the first Advent worship services at Zion Church.  This is a wonderful opportunity for our students as they help our congregation prepare for the Lord's coming.  Attendance is expected at both services, so please mark your calendars now and keep the date open.  Let me know of any conflicts right away as parts will be assigned soon. We are eager to begin preparations for leading worship as December will be here before we know it.

During the coming weeks, all students will learn songs selected to reinforce their message.  Students will also have opportunities to try various roles in the service, such as special drama, music, or “behind the scenes” parts.  Part of our Memory Work assignments will shift focus to learning songs and lines.  Students will also have an opportunity to share their special musical talents.  Any student who has had two years of music lessons or is in the Concert Band may offer to play for the services.  Selections must be:
     1)  sacred music related to the Advent or Christmas seasons of the church year
     2)  practiced and ready to audition the week of  November 13


Friday, October 13, 2017

Week 9: End of the Quarter and Field Trip Fun!

What a wonderful day we had for our field trip!  The students learned more about local history and environmental clean up through a fun scavenger hunt and history lesson.  We had TONS of fun bowling, too.  A special thanks our parent chaperones and to the crew who were so patient when their lanes were malfunctioning.  They were good sports!  Thanks to class photographer, Alyssa, for many of the fun shots at the bowling alley.

End of the Quarter/Conferences
 Today marked the end of the 1st quarter.  I look forward to visiting with you about your child's progress at our conference.  Please remember to KNOCK at your appointment time to help keep me on schedule.

Monday's G-math travels around the room to cooperatively review for their test

Wednesday's Geography mapping lab involved synthesis of information from multiple maps to identify this photo's location.

Thursday the student body lined the halls to send our Cross Country team to STATE

Weldon Spring Interpretive Center

Can you guess which was a TNT plant?

Our Top Secret Mission - find the clues to answer the scavenger hunt.   Kids played American and Soviet Spies in the Cold War seeking information

Learning the history of the site and the cleanup

Kaitlyn donning the gear of the cleanup crew

Using Geiger counters to test for radiation - it's all around us in nature!


Some enjoyed lunch at the foot of the disposal cell

Others picnicked inside

The grande finale - the hike up the cell

Having fun at the bowling alley

Faith Families
This week in Faith Family Prayer time we learned about the "Give Him 5" program.  We are challenged to spend 5 minutes a day praying to Jesus.  We use the word FAITH to help lead our time.  
     F-focus on Jesus and find a quiet place to be
     A-ask Jesus to be with you
     I-tell Him what is important to you
     T-thank Him
     H-ask for His help
Please visit the website to learn more.
Red Ribbon Week ...
...will be October 23 - 27.  This is the week that people and communities unite and take a visible stand against substance abuse.  Show your personal commitment to a drug-free and healthy lifestyle through the symbol of the Red Ribbon and these fun dress days.
 *Regular dress code applies to all dress days except for the special day’s theme

Monday: Messy Hair day, Messy hair don't care about drugs. The students can come to school with messy hair.

Tuesday: Twin Day, Keep your double out of trouble. You can wear the same shirt or color as your friend.

Wednesday: Calling Drew’s Avengers! - Wear a Super Hero Shirt and jeans
This year we are collecting Chapel offerings to support Friends of Kids with Cancer.  On Wednesday, October 25 we will be having a special offering collection of super hero items to honor Drew Albrittons' 8th birthday.  Drew was a preschooler here at Zion who bravely fought cancer and now is with the biggest superhero of all, Jesus! 
Please bring your superhero items to chapel on Wednesday October 25.
Action figures, costumes, toys, movies, backpacks, Lego sets, video games, shirts, or any items with a super hero theme are all welcome.

Thursday: Lumberjack day, Chop drugs out of your life. Wear a flannel shirt.

Friday: Red Day, In Christ I Stand, against drugs. Spirit shirt and jeans.