As I type I am being lapped by our Junior High students in our Walk-a-thon. God has blessed us with a beautiful afternoon, sun shining and a cool breeze. Praise Him for the gifts we have to share with others!
Now that students have a mileage count, they can collect pledges and donations this week. A donation envelope came home today and is due back next Friday. Thank you for helping encourage your child in this wonderful servant event. If you have not checked out the Phil's Friends website, the link is on the right side of the page.
Field Trip October 14
On October 14, the 6th and 7th graders will be headed to the Science Center. Our learning experience will focus on a Design Challenge Program, led by Science Center staff. We also have tickets to explore the Grossology Exhibit and other exhibits as time allows. There are a limited number of chaperone spots available. If you are interested in going along as a chaperone and group leader, please contact me. If we have more volunteers than there are spots, I will put you on a waiting list.