Friday, October 25, 2013

Greetings from WI/ Advent News

I am blogging from Milwaukee as I attend the National Lutheran Education Association Convocation with over 3,000 other Lutheran educators.  It is an awesome and humbling experience to be here learning new innovations in education while surrounded by a wealth of teaching experience.
One of the highlights of my trip has been to see all the amazing things our church does around the world to spread the Gospel and help others.  I got to meet the Comfort Dogs – a ministry of Lutheran Church Charities.  This group uses dogs, with their natural friendliness and calming influence,  in crisis situations to open the door for ministry. The Comfort Dogs and the LCMS counseling services were present in Newtown, CT after the school shooting and in Joplin, MO after the tornado struck.  Meet the dogs here!

 THANKS ... all the parents who attended our conferences this year.  It was good to visit with you and set goals for your child!  Don't hesitate to contact me throughout the year with questions or concerns. our room moms for the yummy treats for our Harvest Party!

Hark - The Students Lead Advent Worship! 

On Wednesday, December 4, at 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m, grades 5 and 6 will lead the first Advent worship services at Zion Church.  This is a wonderful opportunity for our students as they help our congregation prepare for the Lord's coming.  Attendance is expected at both services, so please mark your calendars now and keep the date open.  We are eager to begin preparations in November for leading worship especially since these services are scheduled for the week after Thanksgiving break.

During the coming weeks, all students will learn songs selected to reinforce their message.  Students will also have opportunities to try various roles in the service, such as special drama or music parts.  Part of our Memory Work assignments will shift focus to learning songs and lines.  Students will also have an opportunity to share their special musical talents.  Any student who has had two years of music lessons or is in the Concert Band may offer to play for the services.  Selections must be:

     1)  sacred music related to the Advent or Christmas seasons of the church year
     2)  practiced and ready to audition the week of November 11

Friday, October 11, 2013

Quarter Ends Today

What a blessing it is to get to know your child!  As we have wrapped up the first quarter, I am eager to meet with you to discuss progress and goals.  Click here to complete a quick survey to help me plan our time together.  Take some time to talk with your child and respond to the questions.  Mr. Braddy and I will both be looking at the comments, so feel free to share thoughts about Math and Science as well.  I feel so blessed to be part of your child's education and I am eager to team with you as we set goals for the rest of 6th grade!

Science Structures

Friday, October 4, 2013

Construction to Begin

Things will begin to take shape on our site next week for construction to begin on our new Commons/cafeteria and classrooms.  Please be watchful for changes.  Drop-off and pickup will follow the same pattern, but recess will be moved onto the blacktop in front of the Junior High building as the playground equipment will be inaccessible.  Travel between buildings during the day will use the front door of the JH building as well.  Student safety is a priority at all times and we ask for your patience during the building process.


Kindergarten Buddies

On Thursday, Miss Limback asked the 6th graders to help with Baseball Day in Kindergarten.  Students helped their little buddies to write a profile and decorate a baseball player, pitch, catch, and hit.  It was neat to see the older students encouraging the younger ones, helping them be successful by adjusting their throws and hits and cheering them on! 

Science Structures

In Science, partners are designing structures to see what design might best sustain an earthquake.  The big earthquake arrives is Monday!!