Happy Reformation!
We are reading a biography of Luther written as if Luther visited sixth graders at a Lutheran school and ate lunch with them for the week, modeled after the Table Talks Luther actually had with students for much of his life. We are also using clips from the Luther Movie made in 2013. Though there are some fictional details added, the heart of the movie shows Luther's struggle to understand God and share with the world about God's love. (Note if you watch- the movie is PG-13 for some violence and language. Sections for class have been selected as appropriate for students and our study.)
We will wrap up our Reformation this week as we examine Luther's motto: Grace Alone, Faith Alone, Scripture Alone.
Veteran's Day Service:
Friday, November 9, 2018
8:15 - 8:45am in the church sanctuary
Zion Lutheran Junior High conducts a Veteran's Day service every year, and we are excited to extend an invitation for anyone to join us. The Boy Scouts will conduct a flag ceremony, and following the service all Veterans are invited to stay for a group photo and accept our appreciation for their service.
Concordia Wind Symphony
Thank you, Concert Band, for helping make the symphony concert extra special last night! I hope you also enjoyed seeing the larger symphony from Concordia Chicago, my alma mater! I was never in symphony, but I played in their handbell choir.
Grace and Maddie
Friday was Spirit Day. Show that Red, White, And Black Zion Spirit. Everyone had so much fun. Can't wait for Halloween next week. So excited :)
Crazy Hair Don't Care |
Thanks for doing the door. Great job! |
Don't Let Drugs Rob Your Life. |
School Spirit Day |
Thanks, Room moms for our Harvest Party Treats |
TMath used Alge-tiles to model algebraic equations |
Sharing our superhero offerings |
We are blessed to have the opportunity to share Jesus with those who need Him. Today we collected 292 Superhero toys in memory of our friend, Drew Albritton. The superhero items will be given to Friends of Kids with Cancer, a local organization, and will GO to kids in treatment for cancer. Thank you Zion students for GOing and getting superhero toys that will share Jesus!