Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Reformation!

On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted 95 theses on the local church "bulletin board" calling people to debate the truth of the Bible and how the church had strayed from that truth.  Our class has been learning about Luther's life as well as the amazing discovery he made:  WE ARE SAVED BY GOD'S GRACE  - not by good works or money or penance.  As we wrap up our Reformation study next week we will examine Luther's motto: Grace Alone,  Faith Alone, Scripture Alone. As part of our study, we used clips from the Luther Movie made in 2013.  Though there are some fictional details added, the heart of the movie shows Luther's struggle to understand God and share with the world about God's love.  (Note if you watch- the movie is PG-13 for some violence and language.  Sections for class were selected as appropriate for students and our study.)

What's Going On?

T - Math -  Focusing on understanding word problems and how variables can represent unknowns.
S.S. - the Great Lakes Ecosystem and how humans affect the environment
Eng. - Verbs, Verbs, Verbs!  Watch for a creative look at the Thanksgiving Turkey working with verb tenses.
Lit - Analyzing short stories, focusing on characterization and motives.
Art - Spatial concepts:  Symmetry and Positive/Negative space.  Did you see our Perspective Rooms?  They will be on display for another week in the JH entry.

Red Ribbon Week

Students have enjoyed celebrating the healthy bodies God has given us and learning more about preventing drug abuse.  Highlights of the week included special morning announcements by Student Council and planning and decorating our door.  Student recalled a lot from their 5th grade D.A.R.E. experience, yet were still amazed by some of the facts presented by our STUCO.  Kudos for a job well done!

Mustache Day

Superhero Day

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