Thursday, May 25, 2017

Week 39: And you shall be my witnesses

What does Christ's command to his disciples mean to a sixth grader?  (Mt. 28:19-20, Acts 1:8)  This is the topic we explored in our religion classes as we have looked at the gift of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost and early church. As the disciples were instructed to witness in first Jerusalem, then to the neighboring countryside, then to the ends of the earth, we Christians are encouraged to be witnesses where we are at: in our school, workplaces, and families then reach out, even to the ends of the earth.   Where do we get equipped for such a task?  In Word and Sacrament - with the fellowship of believers.  I encourage you to be involved in summer worship both at home and in your travels.   Invite a friend or neighbor to our Vacation Bible School the week of June 19.  We, too, have the power of the Holy Spirit and can look for those opportunities for God to use us to spread his word!
                Zion's Summer Worship Schedule:
                 Saturday Worship:  5 PM
                 Sunday Worship:  8, 10:30 AM
                 Bible Class:  9:30 - 10:15AM
                 Sunday School:  9:30 - 10:15 AM  
                 Monday Worship:  7:00 PM (starting in June)
In our final Religion class we looked at Paul's good advice to Timothy as a faithful young person.  Remember to “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”  from I Peter 3:15.  To be equipped for the task, students have been challenged to get INTO THE WORD:  to add a regular devotion time to their routine this summer. Please pray for the continued spiritual growth of our class beyond these walls!
Dear families:
Thank you for all of your support this year.  I have appreciated your prayers, your notes of encouragement, your time working with your child on projects, and your child.  It has been a pleasure being a part of your lives this year.  May God bless your family this summer!     
                  In His Service,
                  Mrs. Riemenschneider 

A Year in Photos....

(The video is about 15 minutes)


Friday, May 19, 2017

Field Day!

God pushed the clouds aside and we had a wonderful afternoon playing with our faith families.  I was so impressed by the leadership of our Junior High students.  I heard many encouraging words and saw the older kids enjoy laughing and being silly with the little ones.  Mr. Debrick reminded us at closing chapel of the role of family in good times and bad to serve and support one another.  How awesome to know a few of our Christian brothers and sisters a little bit better and know we are praying for each other!

We met in the chapel then headed to picnic around campus

Water cup relay

Magic Carpet race

Ladder toss

Pizza box relay


Marble run


REMINDER - Cold Lunch all week!

Monday -  Morning classes, Afternoon - JH Fun Day
                  Students may wear spirit shirts and athletic style bottoms

Tuesday - Wrap up classes (PE day)

Wednesday - Wrap up classes, classroom cleaning, turn in books
                        May need an extra bag

Thursday - Closing Chapel
                    10:00 a.m. dismissal for Summer Vacation!!

Please have your child do a room/bookbag cleaning and return any classroom library books!

My how they've grown! 


August 2016
May 19, 2017

Friday, May 12, 2017

Week 37: Faith Families and Field Trip

This week was our last Faith Family activity.  We focused on Colossians 4:2, Devote yourselves to PRAYER, being WATCHFUL and THANKFUL.

We then made thank you cards and letters for those around us who serve us.  We then said a prayer of thanks to God for their service to us.

May we be watching for others who serve us and may we thank them and pray for them.

REMEMBER - Friday, May 19 will the our Faith Family Field Day.  Lunch (pizza, goldfish crackers, fruit, drink) are provided.  We will have "field day" activities inside and out with our faith families for the afternoon.  SUNSCREEN DAY!

What's Happening in May:
Religion - witness of the Apostles in Acts and our own opportunities to witness

Lit - We LOVED the Tuck Everlasting projects and are gearing up for Oral Tradition and Greek Mythology to round out the year.

S.S. - Now that we have studied many parts of the world, we are looking at immigration and the impact of different cultures on making America the country it is today.

T-Math - Positive/negative numbers, graphing on a coordinate plane, and inequalities will wrap up with a test on Friday.   Then we have some Geometry Fun to wrap up the year.

Science - heredity and genetics Where did my blue eyes come from??

A Great Day!!
We learned some wonderful Lutheran history and saw a plethora of artifacts from the early settlers.  The photos are completely jumbled for some reason.  We were at the church and Heritage museum in the morning and Saxon Homestead in the afternoon.  Thanks to the parents who spent the day with us on the field trip.  Your help was invaluable!  I'd love a few close ups of the kids if you got some good shots.

The class in Trinity Lutheran Church

Playing a harpsicord

Gathering around period pianos and pump organs

Looking at ship records translated from German can be accessed at most libraries without a fee
On "Find a Grave" exploring information on ancestors

Free play before lunch

Carving an ax handle on the Schnitzelbank

Learning about churning butter

Headed out on the bus

We hit the hills in Perry County and the kids enjoyed the roller coaster ride

On the steps of Trinity

A chalice from the 1700's

The pastor preaches from there??

The kids were fascinated by the hymn board.  Few had ever seen one

All Trinity children throughout the centuries have been baptized in this baptismal tray

German Bible

The recipe for Blood Sausage - gulp!

CFW Walther - early Lutheran pastor and first Synod President

Slave cabins were only used for a little while before Emanicaption

Grinding corn

Shucking corn off the cobs

Churning butter

Trying out the washboard

Here is where they baked our pizzas

This brick oven came from Germany and was rebuilt here

Old time sack race

 Have a Wonderful Mother's Day!!