Thursday, May 23, 2024

Week 38: And you shall be my witnesses!

What does Christ's command to his disciples mean to a sixth grader?  (Mt. 28:19-20, Acts 1:8)  This is the topic we explored in our religion classes as we have looked at the gift of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost and early church. As the disciples were instructed to witness in first Jerusalem, then to the neighboring countryside, then to the ends of the earth, we Christians are encouraged to be witnesses where we are at: in our school, workplaces, and families then reach out, even to the ends of the earth.   Where do we get equipped for such a task?  In Word and Sacrament - with the fellowship of believers.  
In our last weeks, students had opportunities to learn of the witness of the early disciples. Kids wrote and shared devotions based on contemporary Christian music. (Will be posted soon in their Google Classrooms).   If you have gotten out of the habit of worship or devotional time with God - this is an opportunity for you, too, to be enriched by the Holy Spirit.  I encourage you to be involved in summer worship both at home and in your travels.   Invite a friend or neighbor.  We, too, have the power of the Holy Spirit and can look for those opportunities for God to use us to spread his word!
                Zion's Summer Worship Schedule (June-Aug)
                 Saturday Worship:  5 PM
                 Sunday Worship:  8, 10:30AM
                 Monday Worship: 7:00 p.m. 

Dear families:
Thank you for all of your support and partnership this year.  I have appreciated your prayers, your notes of encouragement, your time working with your child on projects, and your child. Thank you also for the gift cards, plants, candy, beverages and other treats.   It has been a pleasure being a part of your lives this year.   I look forward to staying connected and seeing how God shapes each of these kids.  May God bless your family this summer!     
                  In His Service,
                  Mrs. Riemenschneider  
 Our Memories video 

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