Tomorrow Night - Zion night at Great Skate!!
This week was National Lutheran Schools Week! On Monday, we had Casual Day where we dressed up in sweats. On Tuesday, we had crazy weather day where people dressed up for weather like blizzard, rain storm, and summer time. We acted scenes for religion. On Wednesday, we had pajama day. Chris cakes came and flipped pancakes for everyone to eat. The Joyful noise choir sang for chapel! We started to watch the movie"The Phantom Tollbooth" Thursday was olympic day. The eighth graders challenged the teachers to a pizza eating contest and after played their parents in an intense game of volleyball. (parents won) On Friday, we are finishing the Phantom Tollbooth and we saw a concert called "God is Great" We dressed up as all red or all white.
Addie and Emmet
Yearbook Picture Request
The yearbook is looking for your help to fill the book with pictures. You can use the following link to upload pictures of our class to share with the yearbook committee. Please remember that all pictures should be from class activities such as field trips and class parties. Also note that uploading a picture does not guarantee its use in the yearbook. Thank you for your help in making this year’s yearbook. Please also look for links on Sycamore for links to upload to athletics and other school activities.
From Mrs.R - This week was a wonderful celebration of our faith and fellowship at our Lutheran school. 6R is also involved in a Lutheran school postcard exchange. So far we have heard from schools in Janesville WI, Cedar Falls, NE, and Wichita, KS (my former grade school!!) Our class has taken on different roles. Our Lutheran school researchers had fun finding these schools websites and showing them off to the class. Our local researchers are finding St. Louis and Zion facts to share on our postcards. Next week our secretaries and "stuffers" will get our postcards ready to mail.
Valentine's Day
Our room parents will host a small morning party for our classes with snacks and socializing on Valentine's Day, Feb. 14. Bringing valentines is OPTIONAL for students, but if your child chooses to, please bring one for everyone in the class. Also remember at Zion there is no food or candy allows to be passed out. Room parents will provide the goodies!!
Ski Trip Friday -
Please note, it is looking warmer for our Hidden Valley Trip. As long as it's below freezing at night - they can make snow. Although 1 layers (long sleeve shirt, sweatshirt) will be plenty under your winter coat, be sure hands, and heads are still covered. Socks with a blend of wool are much warmer/drier. Snowpants, ski bibs, or a waterproof layer over leggings/long underwear/sweats etc. are better for legs to be able to brush off snow rather than let it soak into jeans/sweatpants.
Please arrive by 7:45 a.m. on Friday so we can leave promptly at 8:00!
See Hidden Valley’s website for more beginner tips!