Friday, August 26, 2022

Week 2: Into the Groove!

 From the class bloggers:  Adam and Kipton

 Our first assignment was to memorize the Old Testament books for memory. Then we had to do art where we traced 10 different school supplies and colored them in with different kinds of lines that we learned about. After that we took notes on science, and we had a quiz on it the next day. For computer science we learned about being good digital citizens. Now we have started on making mini books about the bible.


From Mrs. R

Thank you so much for attending our parent informtion meeting Tuesday night.  Students now have over a full week under their belts and a sense of how classes and transitions go.  We are getting better at routines and organization with fewer reminders. Students are learning how to think first of others (pushing in chairs, clearing the table for "company," letting others go first - tough one!!). 

We are learning....

Religion - Law/Gospel, genres of the Bible (Check out the Religion tab above)

G and T Math - Try - Discuss, Connect Routine -  supporting our thinking

        **We jump to unit 2 to get into Decimal Numbers/Operations then will return to Unit 1 for Geometry fun with Area and Perimeter

Social Studies - Map tools, Latitude and Longitude

Literature: Using annotation tools in Common Lit as we make predictions

Science:  Lab Safety and Station work routines

Art: Line, Pop art

English: Types of sentences, prepositions

 MRS. DONNER's Science Wish List




Friday, August 19, 2022

Week 1: A New Year!


I'm so excited to have your children as my students this year. Our school theme gives a wonderful focus for our year:

"Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands, your walls are continually before me."  - Isaiah 49:16

I am eager to partner with you in both educating and nurturing your child this year. I encourage families to talk about lessons we learn, especially memory verses and Religion lessons.  I look forward to seeing you in worship at Zion (in person or virtually) or hearing about your worship experiences at your home church as our class grows together in our faith walk.


What's Happening in Grade 6?
Lots and lots of "here's how we do things" this week: how to organize a binder, how to use a planner, how to switch classes and travel efficiently, class jobs. and  looking out for each other.  The students have been good listeners and getting right into the routine. 

One of my big goals this year is for students to become more independent in their learning. This news blog will update you on current happenings, but in 6th grade I no longer publish spelling words, memory assignments, or tests.  These are things your child will be tracking in their assignment planner.  If an individual student needs more organizational help, I will work one-on-one with that student.  I plan to publish this blog weekly on Fridays. (In reality, it may be Saturday some weeks!)  I will email you when the blog is updated.   

Note the tabs of information on the blog.  If you are viewing from a phone, use the drop down arrow to read about Religion, Web links, Field trips, etc.


News and Reminders:

1. Water Bottles: Students should bring a water bottle.  Please be sure the lid clicks closed.

2. Gym/Band/Strings and Classroom Music will be will be Tues/Thurs.

3.  Chapel offerings will support Bethlehem Lutheran church (see Sycamore for details)

4.  There is a STUCO (student council) and HIGH ROPES interest meeting this upcoming Tuesday, August 23 from 3:00-3:30 in Mr. Weinhold’s room. This is for all kids who want to either participate in STUCO and/or attend our Saturday field trip to Camp Wartburg to complete the high ropes course! Please make sure your child stops by if they are interested in either option. 

5. Bible study starts at 9:30 a.m. this Sunday led by Mr. and Mrs. Bernhardt on the Spiritually vibrant household.   Jr. High can join Mr. Demien on Sundays from 9:30-10:15 am for food, games and Bible trivia!  We will meet in Mrs. Crenshaw's room - 6th, 7th and 8th graders are all welcome!

5.  The PTL Back to School Night is Tuesday, August 23 at 6:30 p.m. This is an "adult only" information night.  Join the 2 sixth grade teachers together in Mrs Donner’s  classroom to hear further information about the unique aspects of 6th grade.  I look forward to seeing you again!

There will be three sessions available to attend so you can get to all of your children's teachers. 6:30, 7:00 or 7:30 p.m.

A Peek into our room...
Exploring reading strategies by decoding Wingdings fonts

Guest Mrs. Martin teaches about praying Scripturally

Practice using a concordance to find verses to praise God

You'll have to ask how my dogs, Cooper and Mac, helped us in Geography