Friday, September 20, 2024

Week 6: Walkathon Friday! (9/20)

From the class bloggers: 9/20/24

This week in 6R we had three birthdays. With these birthdays we got donuts, popsicles and Luigi's Ice. The people that had birthdays were Julia, Josh, and Nathanael. In science we made a literal food chain. In G math we are working on dividing by decimals. In T math we are working on long division with decimals. In English we are working on adverbs, adjectives, and articles adjectives. In social studies we are working on physical features. In art we are working on Identity Island, an art project about who you are. In religion we are working on the different types of writing in the Bible. In literature we are reading a story called the “All American Slurp,” about a Chinese immigrated family. We had a great week in 6R! 

Thanks for checking out the blog! 😀

By Josh and Nathanael     




Science Center Field Trip

6th Grade is going on a field trip! On Friday, October 11, we will be headed to the St. Louis Science Center. This will be almost an all day field trip. We will depart from campus around 8:30 and arrive at the center around 9:15. When we arrive, students will be given a “scavenger hunt” to work through with their car groups. At 11:00, we will meet for lunch as a grade, and then get to watch a short movie at 12 (45 minutes) about Blue Whales on the Omnimax screen. Afterwards, we will head back to Zion and get back around 2!

We are on the hunt for field trip drivers to be leaders for small groups. If you would like to volunteer to drive for this trip, please let Mrs. R or Miss D know, along with how many students you can fit in your car (we are looking for households with larger cars for this one, as there are limited parking spots)! You will need to have a current background check.  We appreciate all of your help, as we could not do this without you. We hope to give all parents who want to go on a field trip this year the opportunity to at some point! Thank you again!

  • Miss D and Mrs. R  


Save the Date:  Our next field trip will be Nov. 8  Weldon Spring Interpretive Center/Harvest Lanes.  We will need parents to drive/chaperone with us this day, too.  More information next month!


 Walkathon Reminder

Has your child asked you to sponsor him or her?  Next Friday is the day!   

  •  Bring water  bottle, sunsreen, hat (optional)
  •  Come to school in athletic dress:   
    • Athletic shorts of appropriate length (no spandex please!)
    • Zion tshirt
    • No leggings  (See handbook policy:  "Leggings can only be worn under another garment and not as pants") 

 Our walkathon will begin after an early lunch with the Zion band pepping us up!!  

Donations/pledges to support the mission of The Birthday Party Project,  See the Yellow Pledge Form with an attachment explaining methods to donate and an Envelope for donations.


Our students are encouraged to pray for all homeless children and those in the foster care system, consider a “self-pledge”, and participate in collecting donations from family and friends through October 6, 2024



Friday, September 13, 2024

Week 5: STUCO and 9/11 chapel


This week in 6R, all of the STUCO kids that are doing red ribbon week went to the United Hebrew Congregation to learn about drugs, rx medicine,and vaping. So kids please don’t smoke and vape. You can easily get lung cancer from it because of all of the tar. Friday we have 4 different tests: a science, Memory, Vocab, and Math test.

Thanks for checking the blog! 😀


By Hayden and Josh

From Mrs. R -   

Always interesting to get the student's perspective (above).  Today we had a quiz in Memory and no Math test (but a quiz in Math came home in papers this week!)  The students quiz over vocabulary every 2 weeks as they have been exploring word parts and how the prefixes, roots, and suffixes give words meaning.  This vocabulary study replaces the spelling curriculum in J.H. and factors as part of the English grade. 

We are eager to have STUCO come back to classrooms after their experience to share of their learning from the local program which hosted several public schools and our students learning about staying healthy and away from drugs.  They will now plan Zion's Red Ribbon Week.


Other highlights

  **learning about dialect in Literature

   **Pastor Fieberkorn  led chapel on 9/11 and beautifully tied in the message of Jesus our Redeemer into a the service

   **long division!  We learned that one problem can involve 15 operation steps!  Ask your kids what Does McDonald's Sever Cheese-Burgers means.  G has moved into decimal division.  T will get there soon!

  **watching our Padlet videos in S.S. to teach each other about thematic maps

I love to see your kids support each other and help problem solve as we are working collaboratively.  We are learning the spiritual give of encouragement!


Friday, September 6, 2024

Week 4 Walkathon News! (9/4)


From the class bloggers: Hayden and Colin:

This week in 6R, the walk-a-thon was announced.

The St. Louis Blues Street Team came as well. We got to play street hockey in PE.

In English, we had a soundtrack project.

We listed songs and wrote why they were meaningful to you.

In Social Studies, we made short videos with information about a map.

We also had a Science quiz.

Memory was nice and long Hebrews 12:14-15 

Thanks for checking the blog! 😀



From Mrs. R -       

Thursday we began the Second Step program. The program focuses on skills that will help your child succeed in school and in life. These skills include:

  • Empathy 
  • Communication
  • Perspective taking
  • Respectful disagreement
  • Assertiveness
  • Emotional management
  • Problem solving 

Students had a chance to consider their hopes and plans for middle school

 as well as consider the challenges ahead for this year. We will use a

Religion period twice a month to build on these social-emotional concepts 

through the eyes of faith.

Walkathon News

  Zion Lutheran Junior High Students and Staff 


Friday, September 27, 2024

In 2005 with the catastrophe of Hurricane Katrina, Zion Lutheran Junior High Students and Teachers hosted their first Walk-a-thon to raise monetary assistance for these victims.  Every year since the first Walk-a-thon, the junior high has hosted a fun afternoon for the 6th, 7th, and 8th graders filled with walking/running, socializing, treats, and a Christ centered goal to share our blessings with others through gathering donations for the cause.

This school year, Zion’s Junior High Students and Teachers annual Walk-a-thon will support  The Birthday Project which raises funds to provide children who are homeless with the opportunity to celebrate their birthdays.


Look for an envelope that came home with your child today for information on how they can raise pledges or donations.   We look forward to an exciting day at the end of the month pledging our support for kids in need.

 Parenting Corner:

Love and Logic with Technology  I enjoy this blog of parent tips.  Check out this link for ideas for setting limits on devices.  



Class Photographer, Nathanael having fun with the camera:

Enjoying Library reading time outside

Getting excited for our Walkathon

Mrs. Beaty leading us in "Rise and Shine"

Discussing emotions in 2nd Step

Matching emotions to situations and facial expressions

Students had to work on communication skills as they came to agreements

Meet the new Bobcat Statue!