Sunday, May 5, 2013

Weekly blog

Friendship Skills - Guest Teacher

Over the next two weeks (May 7, 9, and 14) we have the privilege of Mrs. Rutledge taking time to lead classes for our sixth graders.  You may know her as the seventh and eighth grade Spanish teacher, but she is also employed through Footprints Christian School Counseling Services.  Mrs. Rutledge is a certified school counselor employed at Immanuel-Wentzville, Trinity, and Child of God.  Below is a note from Mrs. Rutledge to share the topics she will discuss:

The curriculum is called "Second Step", and is utilized by many Lutheran Elementary Schools for guidance.  Our three specific 6th grade lessons will include: communication styles ( passive, aggressive, and assertive), bullying awareness, and action strategies.  Please note that I will use the words "bully", "target", and "bystander" in the 2nd lesson especially, as an approach to handle a situation needing help, possibly from adults at school or home.  In my professional opinion, a bully is someone who may need help to be a much better friend.  It is not a bad word, but should not be used as a label if a pattern of repetitive behavior does not exist.  I will also encourage students to be "UPSTANDERS", standing up to bullying behavior by reporting anything that they might notice to a teacher or parent.

We teachers are excited about this opportunity and really feel that students will benefit from this learning experience. It is important for our students to gain these necessary skills as they progress towards seventh grade and adolescence.

Novel Unit Ends

Students Thursday presented projects to culminate our novel unit.  We had quite a variety of commercials, diaries, collages, and an alternate ending to the plot.  We even had Caleb from 6B perform his song for us.


Students were paired up to plan a devotion for our last weeks of school.  The devo will be based on a Contemporary Christian song.  I think the kids were surprised at the collection of CDs I brought in and to discover some pretty cool music.

Rainy Day Recess

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