Sunday, October 25, 2015

Week 11 - Reformation and Advent

Happy Reformation!

On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted 95 theses on the local church "bulletin board" calling people to debate the truth of the Bible and how the church had strayed from that truth.  Our class is learning about Luther's life as well as the amazing discovery he made:  WE ARE SAVED BY GOD'S GRACE  - not by good works or money or penance.  As part of our study, we will use clips from the Luther Movie made in 2013.  Though there are some fictional details added, the heart of the movie shows Luther's struggle to understand God and share with the world about God's love.  (Note if you watch- the movie is PG-13 for some violence and language.  Sections for class were selected as appropriate for students and our study.) In his motto, we see the heart of Luther's teachings:  Christ Alone, Grace Alone,  Faith Alone, Scripture Alone.

 Hark - The Students Lead Advent Worship!
On Wednesday, December 2, at 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m, grades 5 and 6 will lead the first Advent worship services at Zion Church.  This is a wonderful opportunity for our students as they help our congregation prepare for the Lord's coming.  Attendance is expected at both services, so please mark your calendars now and keep the date open.  Let me know of any conflicts right away as parts will be assigned next week. We are eager to begin preparations for leading worship especially since these services are scheduled for the week after Thanksgiving break.

During the coming weeks, all students will learn songs selected to reinforce their message.  Students will also have opportunities to try various roles in the service, such as special drama or music parts.  Part of our Memory Work assignments will shift focus to learning songs and lines.  Students will also have an opportunity to share their special musical talents.  Any student who has had two years of music lessons or is in the Concert Band may offer to play for the services.  Selections must be:
     1)  sacred music related to the Advent or Christmas seasons of the church year
     2)  practiced and ready to audition on Tuesday, Nov. 17

THANKS ...  to all the parents who attended our conferences this year.  It was good to visit with you and set goals for your child!  Don't hesitate to contact me throughout the year with questions or concerns. our room moms for the yummy treats for our Harvest Party!

Muffins for Moms - Nov. 4.  Enjoy a sweet treat with your child before school sometime between 7:00 and 7:45 a.m. in the church basement.  Please join us for chapel if you can stay!If mom is not unable to attend, a special guest is welcome to come with your child.

T.J. Pizza/Cookie/Butter Braid orders  came home this week.  This is a way we offer families to purchase these goodies and benefit the school.  Note - orders with payment to Zion are due back on or before Nov. 4.  Pick up is Nov. 20.

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