We were busy this week. Monday and Tuesday we had advent practice, Wednesday was the advent service, and Friday we packed bags for our service project. Overall we had a good week!
From Mrs. R -
What a thrill it was to hear your kids share the message of our Savior in song this week! Thank you for getting kids to the service and all your help behind the scenes with learning songs/parts. We are truly Blessed to Serve a Savior who loves us so much that he put aside heaven to live with us, be our friend, and rescue us from sin.
We are also Blessed to Serve out of the gifts God has given us. Today we packed Welcome Packs for CFNA. I was proud of the efforts kids put into picking a perfect Bible verse to share and composing welcome cards to include with each kit. Names were drawn and Annelise will go with a few other JH students and teachers to the Peace Center in St. Louis to deliver the kits and see the tutoring session they provide for immigrant families. We hope to have lots to tell you about this wonderful ministry.
...the government could force you to sell land?
...we had laws on what you could grow on your farm? or that said NO PETS ALLOWED?
...your family was limited to one or two children?
Would you exist?
I hope talks about our Literature novel have popped up in your family conversations. Students began the novel, Among the Hidden by Margaret Petersen Haddix on Monday, and I have to put a STOP sign in the novels to get them to put it down. Through the novel we discuss literary elements like characterization and conflict, but also propaganda, morals, and faith. It also coordinates with our S.S. unit on Urban Sprawl in which students are taking on the roles of local citizen activist groups to debate how best to plan a city for population growth. Ask your child about it!
P.S. Need a gift idea? This is the first of a series of seven. Scholastic has book #2 Among the Imposters for $4 or The Shadow Children series for $28. We'll send in book orders Friday, Dec. 11 and get them before Christmas break. Email me any gift order and I'll send them to the office for you to keep the secret!
A Belated THANK YOU...
Right before Thanksgiving Break the students surprised me with cupcakes and a gift card bouquet for my birthday. Thank you all for the generous gift. Between Chickfilet, AMC, Paul's Donuts, and Starbucks, I will enjoy a few treats. STAR WARS here I come!
Christmas Worship
As part of your holiday celebrations, please consider joining us at Zion to worship the newborn King. A new service time has been added this year, which may fit into your family's plans.
Dec. 24 1:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m.
Dec. 25 9:00 a.m.
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