This week, the students have been working hard on learning about cells, unit cost, inequalities, dividing fractions, modifiers, and creating Prezis to review NonFiction writing. We have begun watching The Miracle Worker and seen the amazing story of Helen Keller. We are exploring King David and the Lord's prayer. Busy times in 6R!
Friday is GRANDPARENTS' DAY. It is vital that I get your dismissal forms back by Monday to make appropriate arrangements for our guests. Please share the schedule that came home earlier this month and help to finalize your family's plans.
That day, students may direct their grandparent(s) or special guest to the church basement for devotions and refreshments and come to our classroom. Grandparents/guests will be escorted to classrooms. We gather as families in the church for singing, chapel and dismissal by 11:15. If you are picking up your child that day, please look for them to be dismissed from the front of the church or waiting on the JH steps. NO BACKPACKS FRIDAY.
Friday is also the end of the 3rd quarter. Report cards will come home Friday the 17th. God has truly blessed me with this inquisitive class and their eagerness for learning. We continue to grow together as we set goals for the new quarter.
Our class may bring in money to shop at the Scholastic Book Fair on Wednesday. Students will also have an opportunity to shop with a grandparent on Friday. Another option for families this year is to shop online, with a greater selection, and have the books shipped to Zion free of charge. Proceeds benefit our library.
English 6 Week of February 27-March 3rd
Spelling: Unit 21. Earlier this week we took a spelling benchmark covering Units 1-18. Any words students misspelled should be on their spelling list for this week.
English: We are on the adjectives and modifiers unit—students had a quiz on Thursday over writing with adjectives, articles, and demonstratives. We went over the appropriate use of more/most/less/least. Quizzes will be returned by Monday of next week.
Writing: Last week students wrote tall tales and descriptive letters. We have spent time using graphic organizers to organize our thoughts and notes. The hope is that students will find a way of taking notes that works well for them.
Look ahead: Next week we should finish the modifiers/adjectives unit and have a unit test. After that we will begin the research project (the week before spring break.) We do a lot of background information and lessons before the actual research process begins.
Friday May 12 will be our Lutheran Heritage Field trip. This is an extended day, arriving at 6:40 a.m. and returning at 5:30 p.m. that evening. Please mark your calendars accordingly. We will be studying immigration and the history of Lutherans in our area. Our day will include a trip to the Altenburg Museum and Saxon Lutheran Memorial in Frohna, MO. This is a colonial homestead where students will learn about the first Lutheran settlers and have an opportunity for trying chores such as gardening, laundry, and grinding corn. Thanks to a generous sponsorship from the PTL, we are able to take a charter bus for the trip and have a few extra seats for more parents to join us. Let me know if you are interested in chaperoning that day! Further details will come home as the date approaches.
Camouflage Art
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Can you spot the leopard... |
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the walking stick.... |
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the ladybug... |
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the butterfly... |
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and the frog??? |
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