Friday, October 25, 2019

Week 11: Reformation and Red Ribbon Week

 From the class bloggers: Sarah and Asher

Tuesday's day was Holiday Day.

Mr. Lorenz came to talk to us about maps.
Mr. Lorenz

Thursday was animal day.
From Mrs. R.

End of the Quarter/Conferences
Today marked the end of the 1st quarter.  What a blessing to already see your children's growth in faith and knowledge. 

I look forward to visiting with many of you about your child's progress at our conference on Wednesday or Thursday.  I am eager to share your child's presentation on their thoughts about school.  Please take a few minutes to help me prepare for conferences by following the link below.

Pre-Conference Form

Happy Reformation!

On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted 95 theses on the local church "bulletin board" calling people to debate the truth of the Bible and how the church had strayed from that truth.  Our class is learning about Luther's life as well as the amazing discovery he made:  WE ARE SAVED BY GOD'S GRACE  - not by good works or money or penance.  This led to a reform of the church and the creation of Protestant churches around the world.

We are reading a biography of Luther written as if Luther visited sixth graders at a Lutheran school and ate lunch with them for the week, modeled after the Table Talks Luther actually had with students for much of his life.  We are also using clips from the Luther Movie made in 2013.  Though there are some fictional details added, the heart of the movie shows Luther's struggle to understand God and share with the world about God's love.  (Note if you watch- the movie is PG-13 for some violence and language.  Sections for class have been selected as appropriate for students and our study.)  Student also used modern "social media" to spread Scripture that refutes the false teaching of Luther's day through Flipgrid videos.

We will wrap up our Reformation after Fall Break as we examine Luther's motto: Grace Alone,  Faith Alone, Scripture Alone.

What a blessing!

Thank you so much for donating 337 toys to the Superhero Smash celebrating the life of Drew Albritton!
The toys will be donated to Friends of Kids with Cancer who will take them to the area hospitals to give to kids and their siblings who are fighting cancer.
What a great outpouring of Jesus love from the Zion Family!

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