Saturday, March 1, 2025

Week 26 6R leads chapel

  A big thank you to our students who helped me lead chapel.  We had a lot of fun working together as we looked at how we live as Jesus's disciples with the help of the Holy Spirit to show love and forgiveness.  Check out a few photos at the bottom.  Thanks also to the "behind the scenes" kids who gathered props from around campus or were on our prayer support team!


What's Happening in 6th?

Religion - Continuing Jesus' teaching and moving into our Holy Week study

T-Math - reviewing fraction operations before jumping into fraction division


S.S. - Our tour through S. America is wrapping up with a country study.

Eng. - Research papers on Global issues - learning organizing information, outlining, and paragraph structure

Art - Partial view drawings    

Win at Social

On Thursday, your child's class ran the #WinAtSocial Lesson Living by our family’s values and speaking up. As you have time, continue the conversation at home about these important modern-day life skills. Consider encouraging your child to coach up and share their ideas. Here are some questions you can pose to everyone in the family:

    1. TOSS UP: Every family has different things that matter to them. Can you think of 3 things that matter a lot to us, even if they’re different from what other families do?
    2. COACH UP: Can you tell me about times when your friends or others challenged our family values and wanted you to do something you weren't comfortable with? How did you handle it?
    3. HUDDLE UP: How can we support a friend whose family values do not match ours? For example, if we have sleepovers but they are not allowed, how can we help them to not feel left out?


    Book Fair - March 12-14

    Our class shopping day is Wednesday, Mar. 12.  Kids can bring cash our use an E-Wallet.  Click here to learn how to set one up.;  


    Grandparents Day - March 14

     Attendance forms came home Thursday.  Please get those back by Friday 3/7 so we can plan accordingly.  Grandparents or special friends arrive with your child between 8-8:30 for an open house style event.  We end with chapel and will release from there about 10:30 a.m.  Let me know if you have questions. 

    Yearbook Orders

    This is the only opportunity to order our school yearbooksThey are delivered the last week of school.  Copying your receipt may be helpful to remember that you placed an order.  : )

    Code: 91633Z

    ORDER BY March 21st


     (Photos got jumbled when imported)

    A racoon in chapel!

    Colin represented our class in the Geography Bee

    Congrats to Kate M - 1st place in the Geog. Bee!

    Those camp kids didn't want to include the littler campers until God softened their hearts.

    Helping the injured team member see their value - showing God's love and acceptance!   



    Sgt. Weinhold Memorial Bags Tournament


    Link to Sign Up:

    The Story behind the scholarship Mr. Sam Weinhold is one of our 7th grade teachers.


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