Saturday, November 8, 2014

Student Bloggers

This week we finished up our Martin Luther unit. We learned about purgatory, the Reformation, and Martin Luther's life. We had a pep rally on Thursday, and our very own Charissa Lind was in the relay race. They may have gotten second place, but Charissa's team did great! We are doing cup stacking in P.E. In art, we are doing a dimensional room. It is due on Wednesday. Have a great week!
                                                                                                       By Charissa and Ella :)

Friendships and Feelings

In Literature this week, we read "The Southpaw" about a fight between friends where the kids never really talked through the feelings that were bothering them. Rather they got angry and tried to get back at each other.   (Ask your child about the clever way the story was written and how they made inferences to figure out the plot. The text is here: "The Southpaw"

We discussed how God created our feelings and practiced listening by "echoing" feelings back to show you are really listening to each other.  We also performed a skit called "Will You Be My Friend?"showing the superficial ways we sometimes judge people, and we discussed how to accept people for who they are.  In the discussion, the students came up with the idea that its good to just be yourself.  Practice in peer relationship "role playing" is something we often do in Religion class to help students to prepare for when those conflicts will arise.  We know with our sinful nature they will, yet God gives us the power to avoid temptations and through his forgiveness, we can forgive others.  One of our memory verses from this week is a favorite of mine to use with students: 

1 Corinthians 10:13 - No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man.  God
is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the
temptation, he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. 

Veteran's Day Remembrance

   Tuesday, Nov. 11  Junior High classes will gather in the church for a special Veteran's Day chapel.  Families, church members, and Veterans are invited to join us from 8:10 - 8:45 a.m.

Short Week

Please remember that there is no school Thursday or Friday next week.  Teachers head to the Missouri District Conference.  Please pray for our safe travel and for an uplifting and educational experience!

What are these teachers up to on a Friday after school?
Stop in the JH to see the new addition, designed by our former principal and master craftsman, Mr. Brackman.

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