Friday, December 19, 2014

Cell Projects, Parenting Bible Class, and a Merry Christmas!!

A Week in Pictures



Hypothesizing what will happen to an egg in different liquids

Making observations and measurements

Measuring circumference


Vinegar ate away the eggshell, yet the membrame remained intact!!

A small crack (when dropped a little too hard) allows innards to bulge out in the food coloing.

                                                                   CELL PROJECTS


Taking final measurements

Recording data

Dr. Pepper shrunk the egg???


Oops!  Cracking an egg with no shell proved to be disastrous!

                                                      FRIDAY: CHRISTMAS PARTY 

Our room moms planned fun, Minute to Win-It games and treats.  A great time was had by all.  Thanks to the moms and the dad who came to help for a great party!!

I don't care how old they are - balloons are always fun!!

Parenting Bible Class in January

LOVE AND LOGIC CLASS- Amy Bernhardt will be teaching a Love and Logic Parenting class on Sunday mornings at 9:30.  The class will run 8 weeks beginning on January 11, 2015.  The class will meet in the Discipleship room in the lower level of church.

What Is Love and Logic All About?
The Love and Logic Institute is dedicated to making parenting and teaching fun and rewarding, instead of stressful and chaotic. We provide practical tools and techniques that help adults achieve respectful, healthy relationships with their children. All of our work is based on a psychologically sound parenting and teaching philosophy called Love and Logic.

What Is Love and Logic?

Children learn the best lessons when they're given a task and allowed to make their own choices (and fail) when the cost of failure is still small. Children's failures must be coupled with love and empathy from their parents and teachers.

This practical and straightforward philosophy is backed with 30 years of experience. Parents can apply it immediately to a wide range of situations instead of struggling with difficult counseling procedures. 

Have a very Blessed Christmas!
Today we had a special Christmas worship led by our 8th graders.  Students were challenged to see Jesus as the Reason for the Season and to share Christ's love year round.  Ask your child to recall their favorite scene and why it was special.  You may also take the opportunity to ask if they have one thing they want to do to make this Christmas meaningful.  I pray you and your family are able to have a restful and worshipful holiday.  Jesus came to bring peace, love,  and joy.  May we reflect the wonder of knowing he saves us!  Have a blessed Christmas.

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