Saturday, January 21, 2017

Week 22: 2nd Steps and Drama!!

On Friday, Mr. Braddy led the 6th graders through a lesson on communication and respect.  In 2nd Steps, students are learning about empathy and how to take into consideration another person's perspective.  A tough challenge for middle schoolers sometimes!  We focused on things like body language, facial expressions, tone and then how to have a respectful disagreement: staying calm, actively listening, and speaking your ideas with respect.  Proverbs 15:1 puts it "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." By staying calm and trying to see each others' point of view we can word together to solve conflict. 

Congratulations to Mackenzie W. and Carter T. for representing our class in the spelling bee.  Carter is our School Champion this year.  Way to go!! 

Note: Ski Trip permission forms and skier agreements came home Friday.  Look for two papers that need a parent signature and due back by Wednesday.  I'll send tips about clothing that week, depending weather we are skiing in 20 degrees or 50 degree weather.  As long as they can make snow overnight, we can ski!

A few photos from each class performing The Phantom Tollbooth

We loved the fun characters as well as learning about idioms and plays on words.

A classic novel from the sixties lives on!!!
DON'T FORGET - Pajama Day on Monday for Lutheran Schools Week!!

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