Friday, April 13, 2018

Week 33: He is Risen! Best Choice & CFNA

He is Risen!  Alleluia!
May you and your loved ones be blessed knowing the certainty of the resurrection and the forgiveness that Christ won for you on the cross!


It has been a good week!  We thank Ms. Medrona and Ms. Ambria from Thrive: Best Choice for being our guest educators this week.  It was great for our students to interact with young adults who care about them and were such great witnesses!

Good conversations can take place when comparing modern media such as "Big Bang Theory",  or "Friends" (which is back "in" with young people) or modern music, with "classic" family shows "I Love Lucy", "Full House", "Family Matters", and "Fresh Prince."  What a difference in the conflicts, consequences, and how people deal with problems. What a difference in how families are portrayed.  When we listen to music, watch shows, or play video games it can affect us emotionally, even when we don't agree with the message.  Not all media is bad, but we need to be careful about what we put into our minds and hearts.  God has called us as parents to help our children make wise decisions and set boundaries for them.  (under the websites tab, see CommonSenseMedia for help.  I LOVE this site!!)


The first draft of the research paper is due Tuesday.  This might be a good time to check in with your child have see how things are going.  Read over their draft and help them use the "read aloud" technique to see if ideas flow and sentences make sense.

CFNA Packing!

Thanks to the families who made donations for new immigrants.  We had a wonderful time composing messages of welcome and encouragement.  We used many favorite Bible passages too.  It's not too late!  We still have 17 of our 30 bags that could use a small stuffed animal.  Socks or other fun items like mini coloring books and crayons would also fit into our bags.  Please send in items by Monday or Tuesday.

Experiencing trade and travel in Europe

Changing currency

Checking passports

Now after the European Union is formed - no more passports!

These Euros are so much easier!

Researching Bible passages to share with immigrants

Sorting socks and stuffed animals

Shampoo and soap

Time to pack!

God's blessings to the folks at Christian Friends of New Americans!

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