Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Welcome to 6th Grade!


Welcome sixth grade families!  Our school year theme is from the Gospel of John:
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6

What a great message as we begin a new school year.  As we seek truth in this world, we know that Jesus is the only way to God the Father and He is our source of eternal life!
 I am so excited to be your child's teacher this year!   I am busy making preparations for you and getting our classroom ready.  It will be great year of learning, making friends, and of course, growing in our faith.  I am looking forward to seeing you at our Open House on a August 12 between 2-7 p.m.  Our classroom is in the lower level of the Junior High building.  Stop in to greet me and Miss Duberkke, the other 6th grade teacher.  You may drop off school supplies * * that day.   Don't forget that school photos for the yearbook will be taken in the Commons, so be sure to wear a polo.  There will also be an opportunity to browse gently used school uniforms (free!!)   Remember you can drop off uniforms for the exchange at the office now.
I look forward to partnering with you in your child's education and faith walk.  Don't hesitate to email me any questions you have. Enjoy the last weeks of summer break!
God's blessings,

Mrs. Riemenschneider

Please fill out the following forms before the start of the school year:


**School supplies:  Please stick closely to the school supply list found on Sycamore.  I know not all items are in stock, so do your best. Label most items with student names.  (NO NEED TO LABEL: cleaning supplies, expo markers, gluesticks)  It's OK to hold off on buying facial tissues and disinfecting wipes until early winter.  I have plenty to start the year.  I'll let you know when we are running low.   You may also want to purchase a locker shelf.  Lockers are fairly small - no room for shag rugs or wallpaper!  Grab a few brown paper grocery bags for wrapping our 2 hardback texts this year.
Please email me any questions you have about the supply list or the start of school.

Zion Confirmation students  Click here for Acolyte training info

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