Saturday, August 17, 2024

Week 1 A New year! (8/16)

 May be an image of crowd and text

I'm so excited to have your child in my class! 

We were learning a lot of procedures and routines this week, but we've also had some great discussions about being the body of Christ, following Him as the WAY to whom we seek TRUTH and in whom we have eternal LIFE. 

I am eager to partner with you in both educating and nurturing your child this year. I encourage families to talk about lessons we learn, especially memory verses and Religion lessons.  I look forward to seeing you in worship at Zion or hearing about your worship experiences at your home church as our class grows together in our faith walk.


What's Happening in Grade 6? 

Lots and lots of "here's how we do things" this week: how to organize a binder, how to use a planner, how to switch classes and travel efficiently, class jobs. and  looking out for each other.  The students have been good listeners and getting right into the routine.  One of my biggest joys was to have Mrs. Jennings pull me aside and brag on these kids -being enthusiastic, respectful,  and attentive in her PE class.  Makes this teacher proud already!

 One of my big goals this year is for students to become more independent in their learning. This news blog will update you on current happenings, but in 6th grade I do not publish upcoming assignments or tests.  These are things your child will be tracking in their assignment planner.  If an individual student needs more organizational help, I will work one-on-one with that student.  I plan to publish this blog weekly on Fridays. (In reality, it may be Saturday some weeks pending my own kids' schedules!)  I will email you when the blog is updated.   

Note the tabs of information on the blog.  If you are viewing from a phone, use the drop down arrow to read about Religion, Web links, Field trips, etc.


News and Reminders:

1. Water Bottles: Students should bring a water bottle.  Please be sure the lid clicks closed.  If you wish to donate a case for those who forget, please sign up here: water donations

2. Gym - MON/THURS  (so sorry I mixed that up!!)

3. Band/Strings - Tues/Thurs

3.  Chapel offerings will support Lutheran Bible Translators - more info to come

4. STUCO (student council) meeting Tues   3:00-3:45 (see article below)

 5.  The PTL Back to School Night is Thursday, August 22 at 6:30 p.m. This is an "adult only" information night.  Join the 2 sixth grade teachers together in my  classroom to hear further information about the unique aspects of 6th grade.  I look forward to seeing you again!

There will be three sessions available to attend so you can get to all of your children's teachers. 6:30, 7:00 or 7:30 p.m.
6.  See your Zion email!  News about lots of upcoming events, including Trivia Night! 
A Peek into our room...

Organizing school supplies

First rainy recess

Reviewing reading strategies by decoding Wingdings

Context clues and images helped!
A few of us showing off favorite AR books

Student Council 

The STUCO interest meeting will be held on Tuesday, 8/20 from 3:00-3:30 in Mr. Weinhold’s room. If your child is interested in joining Student Council, they should plan on attending. If they are unable to be at the meeting, please have your child email Mrs. Donner and Mr. Weinhold to let them know they would like to join. Students who do not contact these teachers may lose the opportunity to join Student Council for the 24-25 school year. Thanks!

 Mrs. Donner

More info: Student council is organized in project based committees.  Students may join a committee that is not during their sports season.  They do things like Red Ribbon Week, Thanksgiving Food Drive, Early Childhood chapel, and Jr. High Dances. It's a great leadership learning opportunity!


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