Thursday, August 29, 2024

Week 3 Drama time!

We survived a HOT week!  I am thoroughly enjoying this class and our amazing discussions!  We had some great insights into the creation account this week and the kids demonstrated really thought provoking questions. Howamazing that God had a plan all along for our salvation!

Here are a few other highlight

In Literature on Monday, students had the opportunity to act scenes from our short story, "Dragon, Dragon."  Students analyzed character trait with 2 truths and a lie, then had to work through dialogue and staging ideas as they made the scenes come to lift.  It was a great way to see the rising action of a story come to a climax and - as all good folktales - heroes win and all live happily ever after!

On Wednesday, we met our faith families, mixed groups of students from grades 1-8 who will sit together at weekly chapel and join in bonding and prayer time quarterly.  Even the big kids enjoy when their younger chapel buddies spy them on the playground and sneak a hug or a high five! 

A special highlight in Social Studies was an introduction to thematic maps with National Geographic Mapmaker  that layers different purposed maps to analyze geographic patterns.  We just had a quick taste of this fun tool and will use it for several investigations this year. 

Enjoy the long weekend!  Mrs. R.



Donation request:  postage stamps       

We will start a pen pal project with seniors at Breeze Park Care Center.

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